FundCollect A/S (hereinafter referred to as “FundCollect” or “We”), is fully committed to safeguarding and protecting your information and respects your choices in regards to how we are allowed to handle your data.

The Privacy Statement below indicates how we might store, handle and process your personal identifiable data. It also contains information on your rights and how we can be made aware of any desired changes in how we treat it.


Reasons for collecting your personal information

We might collect data in order to offer the best possible experience on the website or to provide you with access to or allow you to utilize any of our internet-based applications. We might also collect data in order to keep you informed of different technical announcements – user related information, such as maintenance notices or user education or guidence, new features – or of marketing announcements, newsletters and promotions, with the option of unsubscribing from any written communication. We might use your contact information in order to ask for feedback in relation to our services or our online solutions.

We will use your information in connection with the vetting process for users of any of our online tools or applications, which is needed in order to make sure that you qualify for or are within the appropriate user guidelines that have been established prior to gaining access access.


Personal information which we collect

Generally, we only collect data which is freely given by the users via our contact or newsletter forms, together with information which is automatically registered by our systems, such as information about the device used to access our website, the information being used; for example for making sure that certain browsers or screen resolutions are being tested when new features are released or to facilitate other user experience enhancements.

We might collect publically available data via third parties or search engines in instances where we need to find the right contact inside a company, connected to, for example, different types of data collection and validation activities (generally from issuers of financial products).

The personal information which we collect includes, but it is not limited to, the following:

Name, Email address, Phone number, Company Name, Job title, Country, IP address, Screen Resolution, Website visits, Geographic information.


Sharing your personal information

We do not sell or re-distribute your personal information or use the data to benefit in any way commercially.

We might work with your identifiable data between our product divisions and brands, for example contact information, in case we need to contact you. We might store the data in different third party systems, such as our content management system which holds the information coming from our forms. We might store data in the third parties used for newsletter or notices dissemination. We might share personal data in connection with any error reporting or potential complaints.

We treat data security and safeguarding very seriously and only use providers who are GDPR-compliant.


Cookie policy

Cookies are unique files that allow websites to recognize users’ preferences, for instance email, password or language and jurisdiction preferences. These files are stored locally on the users’ hard drive. That way it is possible to customize the website with the content prior selected by the user and to make the user experience of utmost quality, also allowing the webpages to load faster.


Types of cookies used

Essential cookies

First party cookies which allow you to use features of our service, such as:

  • Access the website
  • Remain logged in


Cookie name Expiration Time Description
__cfduid 1 month The “__cfduid” cookie is set by the CloudFlare service to identify trusted web traffic. It does not correspond to any user id in the web application, nor does the cookie store any personally identifiable information.
joomla_user_state session Allows our Content Management System to track a user through their visit to your website. Each page you view, actions you perform, etc is part of a session. Once a session is over, the data stored for it is cleared and there’s no history stored of that specific session long term.
cookie_notice_accepted 1 month Cookie added after the user accepts the Privacy & Cookie Policy information.
fcsid session Cookie from our Single Sign-On system, expiring after a browser session


Analytics cookies

These cookies track information about how the Service is being used so that we can make improvements and report our performance. We might also use analytics cookies to test new ads, pages, or features to see how users react to them. Analytics cookies may either be first party cookies or third party cookies.


Cookie name Expiration Time Description
_ga 2 years Used to distinguish users.
_gid 24 hours Used to distinguish users.
_gat 1 minute Used to throttle request rate. If Google Analytics is deployed via Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be named _dc_gtm_<property-id>.
AMP_TOKEN 30 seconds to 1 year Contains a token that can be used to retrieve a Client ID from AMP Client ID service. Other possible values indicate opt-out, inflight request or an error retrieving a Client ID from AMP Client ID service.
_gac_<property-id> 90 days Contains campaign related information for the user. If you have linked your Google Analytics and AdWords accounts, AdWords website conversion tags will read this cookie unless you opt-out.


Managing, blocking and deleting cookies

Most browsers allow the users to block cookies or choose certain other features, such as only retaining the local data until you quit the browser.

Please be advised that by blocking the cookies, the website might not work as expected. For example, blocking the cookies will not allow access to the password-protected pages of our portals, as the website cannot “remember” that the user signed in.

Deleting cookies does not happen automatically when blocking the cookies. This should be done as a separate process.


Data retention

We may retain your personal data for as long as we believe as necessary in order to provide the right service, to perform our duties and any legal obligations or to make possible to pursue our legitimate activities and interests.


Rights concerning your personal identifiable data

We are committed to respecting your choices in regards to how we process and handle your personal information and would like to inform of your rights in this regard. Please note that in certain situations we might not be able to assist in fully exercising your rights.

  1. The right to be informed about the purposes for which data is processed
  2. The right to have access to the personal data stored in our systems
  3. The right to rectification of personal information
  4. The right to restrict processing
  5. The right to object to processing or profiling
  6. The right to be forgotten or the right to erasure
  7. The right to data portability


We will comply with any requests free of charge, unless the requests are found to be of unreasonable nature. Please note that we are required to use all reasonable measures to verify the identity of the data subject requesting access to data and therefore we may request proof of identity before disclosing any personal information. This is done in order to ensure that personal data is not mishandled. You also have the right to lodge a complaint, in case your rights have been infringed. In Denmark, you can lodge a complaint to Datatilsynet.

Borgergade 28, 5th Sal
1300 Copenhagen K
Telephone +47 33 19 32 00
[email protected]


Changes to our Privacy Policies

We reserve the right to make changes to our Privacy and Cookie Policy, whenever we deem as necessary or in order to reflect any changes in our policies. Latest updates will be available on our Website at all times.

In case there are fundamental changes in the way we handle, store and process your data, we will notify you and request that consent will be given.


How Often Does FundConnect Review The Policy?

FundConnect will review this policy at least once per year. The current Privacy Policy is valid as of 27 May 2021.


Contact Information

In case you would like to contact us in regards to exercising any of the rights above or with any questions in regards to data processing, please feel welcome to write to us electronically or via the regular mail.

Electronic requests can be sent to:
[email protected]

Requests can also be mailed to:

FundCollect A/S
Gammeltorv 4, 3rd floor
1457 Copenhagen

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