Data prices

As of January, 2023
Basic Data (Masterfile)
Fund Information
Cost Information
Net Asset Values (NAV) and key figures
Monthly "verified NAV's" (Listed and non-listed fund)
Derived monthly return and risk figures
Daily 17.00 NAVs (listed and non-listed funds)
Derived daily return and risk figures
Real time NAVs
Holding information and derived key figures
Holding information
Asset allocations
All prices are standard prices in DKK excl. VAT and indicates the annual usage license for the individual data packages. In the case of a limited use of the database, other prices may apply. These are special prices, terms and conditions for data distributors. For further information, you can contact [email protected].

Special conditions for certain market segments

The media

FundCollect offers the Media free access to data, without license fees. The Media segment included magazines, newspapers, other publications, public TV channels and their web pages and text TV.

Educational institutions

Educational institutions receive data free without license fees.


Analysts that use FundCollect’s data for internal analysis and publications (not online) receive data at a 25% discount. Analysts are defined as companies that have fund analysis as their core business.


Royalty payments for the use of third party data may take effect in some cases. This could be the case if the client wishes to display foreign data outside the realm of FundCollect or Danish data that belongs to NASDAQ/OMX or other providers, such as benchmark agencies.

Examples of data packages and use

The media

A newspaper wishes to display NAVs for a fund group in their fund pricing section and also desires to display a broader form of information on the Internet that includes data items such as basic data, monthly performance and risk figures, and portfolio holdings. All data is free of charge.


An analyst makes a monthly performance analysis of all the funds on the Danish market based on FundCollect’s data, and publishes the results in a printed report, that includes the data. Parts of the report are sold to the print media, such as hit lists with performance comparison. The Analyst subscribes to the Monthly NAV package (as listed above). The Analyst has used the underlying data to calculate performance and therefore pays 12,983 DKK per year in data licenses to FundCollect (17,310-25%). Alternatively, if the Analyst wishes to present FundCollect’s data and any derived data as part of an online web solution, the full data license applies, for a total of 17,310 DKK per annum. If the Analyst wanted to further distribute FundCollect’s data to 3rd parties, via I-frame technology, for example, or other types of data deliveries, it would require a special data distribution agreement with FundCollect.

Fund distributors or unit link companies

A fund distributor wants to use FundCollect’s data as part of a unit link solution with a selection of up to 50 funds. The company subscribes to a total information package for 96,000 DKK a year as listed above. The company is able to build their own information solution with daily and monthly NAVs, performance and risk data, portfolio holdings, etc.
In addition the company can subscribe to a range of web-based standard applications and hosting services, which FundCollect offers as a supplement to the data packages.
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